Spiritual Formation, Leadership Development, Transition Planning
Whether your church staff needs a boost, your educational ministry needs clarity or your non-profit needs some new vision, I have 42 years of Church Ministry experience in the USA, Scotland, and India, with a passion for helping churches and ministry leaders grow through understanding how best to bring the Gospel Message of Jesus to your particular community's culture. Let me help you with staff dynamics, leadership development, and the revitalizing of the educational ministry of your church. MORE INFO HERE

Teach for true
Life Change.
Did you know: over 50% of the Biblical text is written in story form, as a narrative. 15% is Poetry and song, and even much that is considered "teaching text" is wrapped inside of a narrative.
The Bible tells the stories of God's people and God's interaction with them all throughout the Old Testament.
Jesus told stories.
The Disciples told the stories of Jesus
The Church throughout history tells the Story of God and God's people. All ages can tell these stories.
Hebrews 4:12: "For the Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any two-edged sword."
IF we really believe this, then we should learn to tell the stories of God's Word and allow the WORD to change us. This can be done without great expense or dependence upon traditional educational methodology. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW then
Bibletelling Explained
A Vision for the Future for the Church

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What others say about Bibletelling Workshop
The BibleTelling workshop is a wonderful way to share God’s word with others and be able to make connections to our lives. I believe that it was well worth my time and will strengthen my Bible telling skills.
I would definitely recommend this course. It was so very much worth my time. This will be used in my Wednesday program.
Loved it. Great to help me teach students. Worth it! Very smart leader.
I think the Bibletelling seminar was definitely worth the time and money the church spent to bring Mickie here. Personally, it simplified Bible Story telling in a practical way that is relatable & made easier to remember/re-tell.
Mickie did an awesome job. I loved the ability to practice what we learned and she was good at making attendees feel like “You can do this”
Mission Partnerships
Dr. Mickie O'Donnell , DDiv, MRE, MAPhilosophy
President Lord and King Associates
Preaching Pastor CrossRoad Bible Fellowship
Seminary Professor
Ministry Coach
Mickie’s coaching offers encouragement and a big picture perspective that allows my team to theologically reflect on their ministry but also view it in the context of God’s Kingdom and God’s work in the world. She has enabled our staff team to continue to minister in healthy and life-giving ways.” In the 2 years that I have worked with Mickie, her insight into our areas of strengths and weaknesses has evolved as we have evolved. Mickie is a trusted colleague who is highly valued and respected among the staff of Highland Park Presbyterian Church. - Jay Lee - Pastor, Highland Park Presbyterian Church Dallas, Texas
Mickie’s passion and creativity for bringing the Word to children and their families has always been an inspiration to me. After just a few coaching sessions with Mickie, I experienced a deep renewal to my call as a Children’s Ministry Director. She helped me to become a more assertive leader and build deeper relationships with the people around me. She also helped me to put my dreams and goals into action! Mickie has so much to offer and anyone who works with her will be truly blessed as I have been.
Lynn Nuzzo, Director of Children's Ministries, First Presbyterian Church Wheaton, IL
Connect with Mickie
Mickie serves on the Board of Directors of SAGE a resource ministry to third world countries helping pastors and teachers have the teaching resources needed to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mickie is also an active member of the Christian Motorcyclists Association, working to "Change the World One Heart at a Time" through ministry within the motorcycle community in the US. She has been both President and Vice President of CMA River Riders #749 a Florida Chapter of CMA and has taught discipleship and evangelism at various Florida CMA Rallies. Preaching on occasion at Biker Church at Crystal River Harley-Davidson
Pastor of CrossRoad Bible Fellowship
72 Civic Circle Beverly Hills, FL
Sundays 9:30-111am every week
Weekly Studies and community partnerships
Professor of Narrative Discipleship at
Flourish Institute of Theology

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